Thursday, 4 June 2015


Okay, so I see graphics like this all the time. But this morning this one caught my eye. 
It caught my eye because like many of the messages I see being spewed out to our generation, it tells us that we have a problem. Our problem? Obedience. The solution? Disobedience.
But my problem is that in my opinion, I think people equate disobedience to Anarchy, and widespread resistance against the government and legislation. But there are other subtle ways you can disobey and truly break free.


 To disobey means to cast out constraints. Time limits? Deadlines? No need for these!
Everything that society considers important runs on time. We need to get to our jobs on time, we need to pay our bills on time, TV shows are on at a certain time, and we only have a certain time limit on our holidays... Time must be used productively, they say, as time is limited.
But time limits us! It limits us to a certain amount of day that we can do things that we want to do, as it keeps us thinking about the next "important" thing that we have to do.
Be free of limits! Have days where you chuck out your clock and enjoy what you're doing without watching out for when it will end!

To disobey means to do what people told you you would never be able to do. What's that? Impossible? Unacceptable? Count me in!
Society limits us by telling us we can only do certain things in our lives. We must live life a certain way - get a certain kind of job, have a house and a family. Where do your dreams fit into your life plan?
You will be told that some things are impossible and you will almost certainly fail. Don't be limited - face failure and achieve your dreams!

 To disobey means to push past your pride and your fear. Society's norms tell us to fear others, fear failure and fear embarrassment. My fear keeps me from doing so many little things that would enrich my life and help me connect to others and myself. But fear is NOTHING! True fear may keep us safe but most fear -that comes from obeying norms- only keeps us trapped.

Want to help out that stranger? What are you afraid of?
Want to learn something new? What are you afraid of?
Want to speak about something you're passionate about? What are you afraid of?
Want to dance in the street? What are you afraid of?
Want to tell your parents you love them? What are you afraid of?

The reward may be a lot greater than staying safe and wondering what could have been!
Disobey your fear -and society's fear - take risks and break out of your internal prison to live an extraordinary life.

 To disobey means to be yourself even in the face of criticism. Society teaches us that we need others to like us! We must fit in in order to be liked - this lesson is widely apparent on social media. But how can you ever be someone other than yourself?
Disobey the norm -be who you are, and love yourself for it! You don't need anyone else's approval, but when you start to show your true colours, you will attract those who appreciate them the most.

To me, to disobey truly means to thrive WITHIN an environment that is meant to suppress you and squish you into little boxes. You don't need to live without society, although you certainly can go and live a different life if you wish! But sometimes there are things that keep us here. My family and my career path will keep me living within the rat race of the western world, at least for a while. I may have to obey certain rules, like paying bills and taxes, but that doesn't mean I have to abide by all of them!

ABOVE ALL - Follow your heart and it will lead you to the places that will make your life amazing, even if society tells you different!


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